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Desarrollo Guttman
Estrategias -

GDS is Redefining Leadership:
Driving Alignment, High-Performance Teams and Horizontal Organizations
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Nuestro negocio prospera gracias a la repetición de nuestros clientes y a las recomendaciones , lo que refleja nuestro compromiso inquebrantable de crear resultados excepcionales y la satisfacción del cliente. Este éxito se basa en relaciones de confianza que fomentan la lealtad y alientan a los clientes a recomendarnos a otros.

What are Horizontal Organizations?


Horizontal organizations are structured to promote cross-functional collaboration rather than operating within traditional, hierarchical silos in a horizontal organization:


  • Teams work across functions: Individuals from different departments collaborate, breaking down barriers and fostering interdependence.

  • Leadership is shared: Decision-making and accountability are distributed across the team rather than concentrated in a vertical hierarchy.

  • Focus on outcomes: Teams align around clear goals and shared priorities to deliver results effectively and efficiently.

  • Peer accountability is emphasized: Team members hold one another accountable, encouraging transparency and mutual trust.


This approach enables faster decision-making, enhanced innovation, and a more agile response to organizational challenges, positioning companies for sustainable success in a dynamic business environment.

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