"Howard Guttman has a unique ability to transform teams into high-performance powerhouses."
Howard es el autor de Great Business Teams: Cracking the Code for Standout Performance ( John Wiley ), nombrado uno de los mejores libros de negocios de 2008 por Soundview Executive Book Summaries. También es el autor de When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization. Su tercer libro, Coach Yourself to Win: 7 Steps to Breakthrough Performance on the Job and in Your Life, fue publicado por McGraw-Hill en octubre de 2010 ( coachyourselftowin.com ) y nombrado en la lista de los 5 mejores libros de negocios del Washington Post de abril de 2011.
El artículo de Howards, “Are Your Global Team Members Miles Apart” (¿Están los miembros de su equipo global a millas de distancia?), apareció en The Harvard Business Review, OnPoint, verano de 2013. Una entrevista con él se incluyó en Thoughts from the Top: A Collection of Interviews with Business Gurus (Reflexiones desde la cima: una colección de entrevistas con gurús de negocios). La entrevista de Harvard Management Update con el Sr. Guttman constituye la base del capítulo “Bury Your Opinion, Shortchange Your Team” (Entierren su opinión, perjudiquen a su equipo) en Teams That Click (Equipos que funcionan), parte de la serie Results-Driven Manager (Gerente impulsado por resultados) de Harvard Business School Press.
Han aparecido artículos del Sr. Guttman y ha sido citado en periódicos y revistas de amplio interés como la revista TIME, American Way de American Airlines, Arrive de Amtrak, Business News New Jersey, Investors Business Daily, The Washington Post, The Newark Star-Ledger, US News and World Report y la revista USA Today.
También colabora con frecuencia en revistas profesionales como People & Strategy, Human Resource Executive, Chief Learning Officer, Leader to Leader, MWorld, Pharmaceutical Executive y Pharma VOICE. Es editor colaborador de Leadership Excellence.
-Paul Michaels, former CEO & President of Mars, Inc.
As the principal of Guttman Development Strategies, Inc. (GDS), founded in 1989, he specializes in building horizontal, high-performance teams; strategic and organizational alignment; leadership coaching; and leadership development.
His clients have included such major corporations as Campbell Soup, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, Mars, Motorola, Pfizer, Philip Morris, Sara Lee Corporation, and The New York Times.
Howard is the author of "Great Business Teams: Cracking the Code for Standout Performance," named one of the Top Business Books by Soundview Executive Book Summaries, and "When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization."
My mission is straightforward: to assist leaders and their teams in achieving high-performance, horizontal alignment, fostering environments where every member is empowered to lead and contribute effectively.
With over three decades of experience in organizational development, I am dedicated to transforming traditional hierarchical structures into dynamic, collaborative teams.
I am passionate about guiding organizations to navigate change, manage conflict constructively, and achieve standout performance.